Friday, May 3, 2013

This is it. I have officially entered the blogging world.

After much deliberation, I decided to create my own blog, simply because I enjoy sharing my opinions (even when they aren't welcome). I did not join the blogging world to make judgements on others... In fact, I am here to hopefully be of some assistance to those who need direction, and maybe just a good laugh. Maybe, I might even spark creativity in some minds, or motivate some to get the body they've been daydreaming about. My posts will consist of a variety of topics from eating healthy, to relationships, to fashion, and even celebrity gossip.

I have solace in the place that I am in now. I've been through plenty of life's hurdles. The up's and down's, the fork in the roads, and of course, questioning my purpose in life. I now know, nobody lives a perfect life, no matter how 'Jennifer Aniston' their hair is, or how 'Marissa Miller' their body is... Everyone has their skeletons, you just might never see them.

So go ahead, subscribe, grab a glass of rosé, and enjoy, because life is truly blissful.


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